
He Calls You “Mary”

March 16, 2019

Recently the Lord reminded me of the story of Mary and Martha. Martha, who kept busy serving, and Mary who did the better thing, sitting at Jesus’ feet. This is a struggle many of us are familiar with.  We often find it easier to keep busy doing, than it is to be still and listen to the Lord.

It’s easy to look at the story of Mary and Martha and think that Martha was doing the harder, better thing and that Mary did the easier thing. But let us consider the true dynamic happening in this account found in Luke 10. Upon Martha’s invitation, Jesus entered their home and began to teach those who were present. Martha scurried around, in the culturally acceptable place for women in the home, making preparations for the guests. In contrast, Mary sat in the place where the men would have gathered to listen to Jesus. Not only did Mary cross gender lines in her location, but she also challenged social norms by her position at Jesus’ feet, sitting close to the guest of honor, and seated as a true disciple. Despite social, family, and possibly even internal pressures, Mary chose what Jesus described as the necessary thing and the good portion.

The world around us and our internal drive tells us that to be still, is the antithesis of good work. In God’s Kingdom, it is in the stillness at his feet where we change to become more like Him. Hebrews 4:11 tells us to “make every effort to enter into rest”. This is Sabbath-rest, when we cease from our efforts and we enter into communing with the Lord. In this place we boldly come to Jesus, just like Mary, and we become the learner and are changed by His presence. This, sisters, is the good portion.

Can you hear the Lord calling you to be like Mary? Can you see yourself the way Mary must have, realizing she was valued enough to come be in His presence? Do you see that our learning and inspiration happens at His feet?

As women of God, ministers and leaders, we are often like Martha. We find it easier to be busy about the work of the Lord, instead of being quiet and still so that we can listen to the Lord. What a beautiful place He calls us to; peace instead of anxiety, quiet instead of busyness. God’s intent for us, is not that we would be Marthas, “worried and upset about many things” (Luke 10, NIV), but rather that we would be Marys, sitting at His feet, listening, learning, and belonging.

Are you in the waiting? Are you feeling His gifts rising up within you and waiting for doors to open? Then come be Mary. At His feet is His comfort and where He will prepare you for what is next. Your journey is not waiting to begin, you are in the journey now. If you are eager for what comes next, then come be still at His feet in preparation.

Are you living in the fullness of your giftings and ministry, feeling the heavy responsibility of Spirit-led leadership? Then come be Mary. At His feet you will find rest and peace. In His sweet presence, with your face tilted up toward the Teacher, you will receive all the inspiration and love needed to encourage others in their walk with Jesus. If we desire to be like Him, and point others toward the Father, then we must be willing to spend time being loved and poured into.

Mary, come choose what is better, it will not be taken from you.

